Author: Corneliu Bodea, Adrem CEO 
Article written for

People have wonderful qualities, and perhaps one of the most beautiful ones refers to their ability to help each other, to the solidarity they show in difficult moments. This quality has been tested since ancient times and whether you adopt the theory of determinists and consider that the attitude of collaboration and help is written in the genetic code, or you are a follower of evolutionists and believe that we learn and become fundamentally better, the result is the same: people give proof of solidarity with those in need.
We are given to live difficult moments in this period of health crisis and we cannot help but be surprised by the evolution of the situation. Maybe I neglected the social, economic, psychological effect of the pandemic, maybe I waited for it to pass too quickly and leave no traces. Maybe it’s still in our genetic code to be optimistic and that’s not bad, as long as we work on other qualities.
Although it happens more and more often that I am disappointed and bewildered by people’s behaviors and attitudes, I remain an optimist and a great believer in our power to distinguish good and beauty and to bend our actions to what sustains and multiplies them, as main meaning of individual existence.
I am writing these lines about a year after the beginning of the pandemic, at a time of fierce battle with the virus, in which the whole globe has decided to take firm measures to limit circulation. I entered the house early, sweeping the deserted streets and reflecting the red-blue lights on the asphalt. The thought leads me to those most affected by this extraordinary situation, to artists (actors, those in the world of shows and others), to those in the tourism and restaurant industry, to those who depend on these industries, to those directly affected and who I can’t think of it now… And I don’t necessarily think about the big ones, personalities, shareholders, although they deserve at least the same respect, but I think about the many and unknown ones who make these industries work and who have not accumulated resources . It must be difficult, it must still be shocked and confusing… And I wonder why the state did not think of using the solidarity that is wrapped in our fibers of people, to increase the help it offers in some places. I think that a program in which the state would say that it offers a sum for the help of actors who have closed theaters and that invites everyone who wants to contribute to join a sum that will be distributed by the government, for example, would accumulate significant sums and would help categories hit hard in these moments. We all want to return to normal, but for this normal we need those who are suffering now. Normally it means going to the theater, filling the performance halls, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the restaurants in the Old Center or anywhere, flying planes, shaking hands and hugging people.
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