Integration services in the SCADA -DMS system – Corunca 110/20/6 kV station, Mureș County – Adrem

Integration services in the SCADA -DMS system – Corunca 110/20/6 kV station, Mureș County

Energy Transport and Distribution

Increasing the safety degree in Corunca 110/20/6kV Station, Mureș County – Integration services in the SCADA -DMS system

DOMAIN: Electricity Distribution – SCADA & Automation.

CLIENT: Distribuție Energie Electrică România S.A. – Sucursala Mureș.


  • SCADA engineering services & Automation with integration in the SCADA-DMS system of 110 kV, 20 kV installation, own Services and Automation from the 110/20/6 kV Corunca substation.

Work Completion: December 2020

Work duration: 3 months

Work location: 110/20/6 kV Corunca electrical substation – Mureș Branch


Benefits obtained by DEER Mureș Branch after the integration in SACDA-DMS of the 110/20/6 kV Corunca substation:

-increasing the security of electricity supply to consumers, respectively substantially reducing the number of interruptions in electricity supply to consumers in the area of ​​activity of the Mureș branch;

-reducing the intervention and restoration times of consumers’ electricity supply in case of breakdowns, a requirement imposed by the performance standard of the electricity distribution service (ANRE order) and implicitly the reduction of SAIFI and SAIDI indicators.

The immediate effect is to reduce costs and improve the image of the energy distributor.

– providing real-time information on the operation of SEN in the area of ​​activity of DEER – Mures Branch; data on the performance of the electro-energetic installations under the management and operation of the Mureș Branch can be extracted online or from the archive;

– Improving the operational safety of electrical installations with an impact in reducing the risk of accidents for the operational service staff of the installations.

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