Electrician Apprentice Project – Adrem

Electrician Apprentice Project

At the beginning of the 2021 school year, we joined our partner, the CEZ Group in Romania, in the educational project “Electrician Apprentice” and we supported with specialized textbooks the young people who follow professional training courses for the energy industry. We believe that it is our responsibility to contribute to the education of future energy professionals, all the more so in the context in which the energy field suffers from an acute shortage of specialists.

The program offers development workshops, extra-curricular activities, internships and employment opportunities in the energy sector for hundreds of students enrolled in seven counties in the Oltenia region (Argeș, Dolj, Gorj, Teleorman, Mehedinți, Olt and Vâlcea). Under the program, electrical laboratories were set up in high schools, performance scholarships were awarded to students and all conditions were ensured for their further training in the online environment when the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic imposed them.

By joining us as a partner and sponsor in the project carried out by the CEZ Group in Romania, but also by other companies that have supported this initiative and continue to do so, in 2022 students and teachers will benefit from other personal development programs, recognized at international level, in addition to the workshops already included in the project, but also more technical training and internship opportunities.

Such educational projects are a necessity for the future of the energy field in Romania and the Adrem group will continue under the umbrella of the corporate social responsibility policy to support similar initiatives, with a direct impact on our industry.