Modernization of LEA 0.4kV PTA1, Izvoru, Neamț county – Adrem

Modernization of LEA 0.4kV PTA1, Izvoru, Neamț county


DOMAIN: Electricity-Rehabilitation of Electrical Networks


Company: Adrem Invest

Project Description:

  • creation of a new LEA MT line on 11 new MT poles, with cast foundations installation
  • installation of new overhead transformer station
  • replacement of 6 km classic conductor network with twisted conductor
  • planting of 65 new JT extension and support pillars
  • modernization and removal of 210 branches at property limit

Work duration: the initial deadline was 60 calendar days, but it was extended due to unfavorable weather conditions and the time interval that included the winter holidays. Final term, 90 calendar days.

Work location: Ion Creangă Commune , Izvoru, Neamț County

Obstacles: The assembly and construction works were very difficult due to the variable weather conditions, with winter temperatures that conditioned the types of operations necessary to perform.

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