Installation of photovoltaic panels Câmpulung – Adrem

Installation of photovoltaic panels Câmpulung


Domain: Renewable Energy – Photovoltaics
Client: SC Nimbus Com SRL
Project Description:
Following the field visit and the information gathered from the customer regarding the store’s own consumption, it was mutually agreed upon the dimensioning and execution of a three-phase photovoltaic installation with 16 PFVs with a power of 6 KW and a 10 KW Huawei inverter on the roof of the store’s terrace in the center of Câmpulung Municipality, on the aluminum structure for non-circulating terraces.
This installation was executed in 2 days by two electricians under the guidance of the coordinating engineer who executed the electrical part of the installation and its PIF.
All safety and work protection rules were followed by using the appropriate equipment.
The work was completed on September 29, 2022, the location being in the center of Câmpulung Municipality. 
Timeline: 2 days
Teams: 1 coordinating engineer, 2 electricians
Equipment: photovoltaic panels, 10KW Huawei inverter
Location: Center of Câmpulung Municipality
End Date: 29.09.2022
Benefits for the customer: Reducing the store’s electricity consumption by up to 50%.
Benefits for the community: Improving environmental conditions through green energy production.

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