


Energy Industry


Upgrading the installations of the city of Craiova from 6 kV to 20 kV to meet the technical and legal requirements in force – the nominal parameters and quality parameters for electricity and the provisions of the Technical code and the Performance standard for the power distribution services

Adrem Engineering’s team modernised the transformer points, replaced the existing underground power lines between the modernised transformer points and integrated the new equipment into CEZ’s SCADA system


The following works were carried out:

  • upgrading to 20 kV of transformer point (TP) 200 Hospital no. 1 and creating two 20kV underground power lines between the Craiova Sud Substation and transformer point (TP) 200 Hospital no. 1 supplying only transformer point (TP) 200 Hospital no. 1, with connection in the Craiova Sud Substation to two newly designed cells
  • upgrading to 20kV of TP 130 Textile Factory and interception of 20kV underground power lines of Craiova Sud Substation – TP 694 (between TP 694 and TP 451) and carrying out connection of TP 130 Textile Factory
  • taking over two transformer points TP 187 SEIRU and CORA (third party transformer points) on the 6 kV loop Electroputere Substation – Feed Point 8, through a sleeve between the 6kV underground power lines Electroputere Substation L7 – Feed Point 8 and Electroputere Substation L19 – Transformer Pint 187 SEIRU departure to Transformer Point 132
  • upgrading to 20kV voltage and modernisation of transformer points TP 132, TP 215, TP 180, TP 179, TP 178 (Feed Point 8), TP 174, TP 176 and TP 175 by introducing them in the DIF – Feed Point 1 Cocor Loop, between the 110/20kV DIF Substation and TP111 (provided in phase III) with interception of the 20kV cable provided in phase III (located in their vicinity)
  • new exit into the 20kV underground power lines, between the DIF Substation and the existing TP 9, with connection in the DIF Substation to a newly designed cell, to supply at 20kV the following transformer points: TP 109 Military Hospital (by mounting PTAB 20/0,4kV equipped with 400kVA transformer), TP 213, TP 181, TP 216, TP 177, TP 204, TP 214, TP 205 and TP 206
  • 20kV underground power line between TP 178 (Feed Point 8) and TP 177 (both provided for modernisation in this phase), to represent the loop between 20kV underground power line Substation DIF – Feed Point 1 Cocor
  • installation of optical fibre in parallel with the new 20kV cable
  • works in the Craiova Sud 110/20/6kV Substation and the 110/20kV DIF Substation which consist of mounting of new cells (2 in Craiova Sud and one in DIF), similar to the existing cells, for the purpose of creating the 20kV loops to take over the transformer points mentioned above, and the decommissioning of the 6 kV installations
  • decommissioning of PTS 228 and mounting of the power distribution and metering cabinet type FDCS at ground level (in the vicinity of TP 228 underground without access), to supply the TDRI pertaining to PTS 228, with connection through a low voltage underground power line (with cable of the type ACYY 4x240mmp), to the TDRI pertaining to TP 213
  • upgrading to 20kV of a transformer point and of PTM 109 Military Hospital by changing location and creating enclosed transformer points, equipped for integration into the SCADA system, with low voltage works required to take over related consumers


The project also included the creation of a 20 kV underground power line and optical fibre – approximately 7km.

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